
Eva Holmes
Legacy Leisure Chair, Eva Holmes is a qualified teacher of physical education and following initial employment within the school system moved into leisure management, managing public sector leisure facilities in two London boroughs and then later a private sector health and fitness club.
Eva has assisted leisure centres to achieve ISO 9002 and was one of the UK’s first Quest assessors. Holding a Certificate from the Cambridge Institute of Education and a MA in Change Management from Brighton University, Eva has worked as a change manager in a wide range of industries from HR and payroll to transport infrastructure, managing cross functional business improvement projects deploying Lean Six Sigma techniques, giving her a sound and broad business perspective.
Eva is a keen skier, golf and tennis player and from her own enjoyment of both participating in and coaching a range of sports she believes passionately in the role of Legacy Leisure in enabling others to take part in sport and lead active healthy lives.
Martin Johnson
Trustee Martin Johnson is Managing Director of Pace Direct Mail, which he formed in 2009 after identifying a gap in the provision of direct mail services to the print industry. He has been in Print and Direct Mail for over 20 years and holds a Diploma in Management Studies from Aston University. Martin has also worked in the banking and public sector and offers solid business acumen coupled with a passion for sports engagement.
Married to wife Jo for nearly 30 years, they are proud parents to a son and daughter. Martin is a keen cricketer, and besides playing competitively for his club Pershore CC, he also represents Worcestershire over 50’s. As a qualified cricket coach Martin coached for some years at county level and has seen the benefits of engaging in a sporting environment from a young age. Martin is an advocate of the teamwork skills that can be created through sports participation which can be transferred over into everyday life.
Martin offers a wide range of skills but most of all a good dose of common sense mixed with a pinch of cynicism!

Stuart Blount
Trustee Stuart Blount works at ASL in the managed print industry and has worked with printers, photocopiers and managed print solutions for over 25 years. Stuart ran his own business in Droitwich before selling in 2014 and becoming part of the ASL group.
More than twenty years’ experience in running his company including training, development and delivery, motivation and team building/leadership, general and technical project management, product marketing and management, negotiation, and mediation.
Astute, confident management professional attuned to the changing needs of business.
Stuart is a keen golfer and takes an interest in a wide variety of sports including watching his beloved Wolverhampton Wanderers football team.